Rollin' On The River . . . Of Our Tears
No, we won't be hanging out with Tina Turner (although that would be AWESOME), but Kelly and I WILL be hanging out with a multitude of other authors and readers this August. The mind-blowing Reader/Author convention that started Kelly and me along this crazy journey will be on the river in Savannah GA. In case you haven't heard of Authors After Dark, have a look-see.
Kelly and I have been a part of this fantastic convention family since 2010. That's what makes this year all that much harder. Why you ask? Well, it's because this is the last year for AAD *sobbing*.
If you've ever been blessed with the chance to attend ANY convention more than once, you know how quickly familial type friendships develop with the other attendees. You all share a passion for the same thing and soon discover that your similarities don't end there. Excitement fills your stomach as you pack, knowing you'll soon be 'back home' with your Con brothers and sisters.
All good things must come to an end, right? This year rests bittersweet on our tongues. Yes, it's the last year of the convention, but it also happens to be the first year we will be Featured Authors. We will be signing our first book The Mechanic's Mate during the public book signing. Not to mention we'll be celebrating the eBook release of our second book The Seer's Secret, and the announcement of our third book in our series The Ambassador's Anchor.
Kelly and I wanted to make sure we went out with a bang, so we decided to host a Dieselpunk Riverboat Cruise with drinking, dancing, desserts and costumes! To make it extra special, we're making it FREE for 75 Authors After Dark attendees.
Our biggest wish would be to get this one chance to meet all of our readers to say Thank You. So click on the link below and check out the list of authors that will be there, as well as discover all the other exciting free events available to attendees. Oh, and if you DO end up registering, make a beeline to the Dieselpunk River Boat Cruise tickets! It won't be the same party without you!